
$400k ,Michael Jackson "Thriller"jacket

michael jackson jacket for auction, a memory of mj icon in the "video thriller" that is given a price of $ 400,000, the auction sale price jacket in the video "Thriller"
all mj fans really like, and will offer exceptional price, because this is a legend icon mj, "the thriller" king of pop.

its truly the most iconic piece of pop culture histori,"Darren julian president of julien auctions,tells CNN,you see the jacket and you know what it is,


Other offerings include Elvis Presley's original "TCB" necklace, Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" denim jacket, wool cape Ringo Starr from the "Help " and custom Jaguar's 25 years of Frank Sinatra. In fact there are items related to Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Madonna and Lady Gaga.
Tag : music

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