
Costa Concordia cruise ship accident

Costa concordia is a luxury yacht, with special pasilitas reported drowned (jan 14).

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The ship hit a reef reportedly due to negligence of the captain's driving that time.
and is currently captain of the ship in the resistance of the police.

according to witnesses, Christine Hammer, 65, and her husband, Gert, was enjoying appetizers. A plate of squid, mushroom mash, and salad for dinner is the opening menu of the luxury passenger cruise ship Costa Concordia, January 13 last night.

The ship had just departed from the Port of Civitavecchia near Rome, Italy. Along the 50-meter yachts that start shipping during the week leading Barcelona and Majorca in Spain.

There are 4000 passengers on board, of whom 1,000 residents Italians, 500 Germans, 150 French nationals, and 1,000 men participated in the cruise ship sailed the Mediterranean Sea.

Suddenly the ship hit something. Dishes, glasses, and the passenger ship slammed into the floor. The situation was suddenly dark because the lights on the ship died. Panic was wafted
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