
missing lisa irwin:FBI continues search for

search information missing toddler continues
became big news in various media in the U.S.Police: Baby Lisa's Parents Not Cooperating Watch Video
Missing 10-Month-Old Baby's Parents Go Public Watch Video

Young said detectives would be happy to resume conversations with Lisa's parents, but added, "We still haven't heard from the mother or father as of this morning."

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Irwin said that he needed to take a break from the intensive questioning and soon saw a police press conference where they stated that the parents had ceased to work with police on the investigation.

"We were in interrogated for a really long time Tuesday there again, answering questions….I just couldn't' take it anymore," he said. "I told them I had to have a break -- no more questions today. I asked to be let go, and they let me go from police station. An hour later was when we saw the press conference from them."

Both parents vehemently denied on "GMA" that they had any involvement with their daughter's disappearance, and reiterated their willingness to cooperate.

"We continue to ask, answer all the questions the best we can and do everything they tell us to do and so I mean, we've done everything we can do," Bradley said.

That conflicted with what Kansas City, Mo., police Capt. Steve Young said earlier.

"The mother and father no longer want to talk to detectives," Young said. "From an investigative standpoint, we enjoyed their cooperation. So far, [it] has been very beneficial to the case. But yeah, you can imagine it doesn't help the case" [that the cooperation has ended].
"Like I've said before, the cooperation of the parents is -- they live in the house. They intimately have information of what's been going on. They know the child. They were maybe one of our best bets to help find this child," Young said. "This doesn't help the investigation."

Thursday night police also shut down their outdoor command post and removed that crime scene tape that had been surrounding the house since Lisa's disappearance, but police insist this was not related to their claim that the parents were no longer cooperating.

"It has nothing to do with the statement I made about the parents' cooperation," Young said. "We closed that down only because of geography."

Young said the investigation is continuing with the same force but has simply moved to the police station as a matter of convenience.

Police have said that they are still investigating what happened at the house Monday night when the baby, who the couple nicknamed "Pumpkin Pie," disappeared from her crib.

Young confirms what the police have said since their initial questioning of the parents earlier this week, that they are not suspects in their child's disappearance.

"The investigation is directed and led by hard information," Young added. "Again, we don't have any suspects. If we had enough to charge anybody with, we probably would be issuing charges."

The dispute over whether Bradley and Irwin were cooperating came after ABC News learned the couple was trying to make lists of possible suspects for police by thinking about all of the people they cross paths with on a daily basis. That meant they were listing every grocer, utility worker who may have been in the house, former friend, classmate, neighbor or acquaintances who may have wanted a child.
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