
samsung notes and profits 2011


Samsung has announced its preliminary every 1 / 4 outcomes – and some people are hailing it as the most considerable cell cellphone homeowner in it all 1 / 4. So why won't it actually give figures?

Samsung Note
2011 saw New new samsung take the cell cellphone head. Except New new samsung won't give any complicated data. Why not? Photograph: Beawiharta/Reuters

Samsung has announced its every 1 / 4 reasonable outcomes. Well, actually, no, it hasn't; what it did beginning on Unique was to offer some hint of how big it wishes its financiai outcomes to be. It would, after all, be awesome for a business as hefty as New new samsung to have its complete reasonable details all available only five times into the new interval after the reasonable 1 / 4 completed.

But that's generally what it has done. Here's Reuters, saying that "Smartphones energy New new samsung to historical past every 1 / 4 profit":

    New new samsung Cool gadgets, the top producer of shed treats and smartphones that you can buy on the industry, unveiled a historical past every 1 / 4 obtain on Unique, assisted by one-off earnings and best-ever income of high-end cell cellphone gadgets.
Fair enough: New new samsung is the only company on the planet that has noticed out how to earn extra earnings from DRAM, it got a $580m (£376m) windfall from advertising its generate travel business to Seagate during the 1 / 4, and its cell cellphone business is doing gangbusters – at least according to professionals.

That these aren't greatest data (which as I said, is unsurprising) is done by another price from the wires: "The Lower Western company released 5.2 million won ($4.5bn) in every 1 / 4 handling obtain, beating a contract forecast of 4.7tn won by professionals inquired by Thomson Reuters. It said real obtain may improve or slip by 200bn won from the preliminary figure out when the business provides particular earnings later this Calendar month." So it could be 5tn won, or 5.4tn. Either way, it's before professional forecast.

And that's good, make no mistake: handling obtain (basically, earnings on advertising stuff) were up 73% year-on-year.

But the real is that when you begin to seek advice from about effectively how well the cell cellphone business is doing, components get hidden. How many smartphones that you can buy on the industry were available in the quarter? How many tablets? (They're both aspect of the same divided within New new samsung, so one needs to know these components.)

Answer comes there none. (And I've expected New new samsung consistently for data on these.) Actually New new samsung, despite being crowned the most considerable homeowner of smartphones that you can buy on the industry in the third 1 / 4, before Htc and The apple company company, has never actually said how many smartphones that you can buy on the industry it provided or available during that interval. The figure out of 27.8m is often provided. But this indicates nowhere in Samsung's fictional operates.
Tag : gadget

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