
The best CEO from Apple company

Today the company has lost a magnifying Apple, Apple's CEO of the Company.
who had been instrumental in advancing the development of Technology.
Steve Jobs died of cancer.
he is one of the world's great CEO.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs's death mourned throughout the world. Not only fans, but also a number of other CEOs who feels Jobs have contributed to the business. One is Jack Welch's management Apple company.

In an interview with CNN on Thursday morning, Welch said he felt very lost Jobs. Not only that, he said that Jobs had a significant contribution to the world of technology and innovation, and the younger generation.
"Steve Jobs invented the word 'cool'" said Welch. He explained each product sold by Apple's Jobs managed to raise the degree of the wearer, in this younger generation. That's why Apple products are always awaited his presence to be presented by Jobs.

"What is arguably the best CEO Jobs of this century?" CNN anchor asked.

Welch replied, "I say this, we will be very difficult to find again the figure of Steve Jobs and his influence on any one company in the company forward."

get the book story steve jobs here Steve Jobs
Tag : gadget

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